TRACK, MARGIN, CLARION | All it takes is for a bird to fly
BASTA QUE UM PÁSSARO VOE is a creation by Rui Dias Monteiro (photography) and Vítor Ferreira (text) developed in the context of the multidisciplinary project "Rastro, Margem, Clarão", in which a collective of creators in the performing arts, visual arts and essayists set out to think about the writing of Rui Nunes (b. 1945) in its heterogeneities, thematic nodes and concerns, in a bold and heuristically transdisciplinary approach.
TRACK, MARGIN, CLARION | All it takes is for a bird to fly
BASTA QUE UM PÁSSARO VOEis a creation by Rui Dias Monteiro (photography) and Vítor Ferreira (text) developed in the context of the multidisciplinary project “Rastro, Margem, Clarão”, in which a collective of creators in the performing arts, visual arts and essayists set out to think about the writing of Rui Nunes (b. 1945) in its heterogeneities, thematic nodes and concerns, in a bold and heuristically transdisciplinary approach.
– see how everything moves. All it takes is for a bird to fly for the world to move. These are the very simple things I see. The only ones I can think of.
Rui Nunes, Portrait Album
Montemor-o-Novo, 2020. Trace, margin, flash. To set the world in motion: at last, I say the missing prayer. This photograph is also mine. I told you that you would find it. There were images waiting for you on this road, which, alone and together, we took on different days, at different speeds, under different weather conditions. I finally paid what I owed you: a Cristal beer, a bottle of water, in a café in Paião.
The title of this book, suggested by RDM, appropriates the excerpt above, but does not conclude it. Instead, it demands an exercise in imagination from those who see the photographs. The exercise of seeing must be, above all, a doubt. It’s enough for a bird to fly: what for? It’s up to each of us to see, that is, to invent a fiction.
(The light is different here. It cuts through the thorns with its warmth)
After the photo. The two birds have already taken off. The sun is almost down. So let’s close with the last fragment of Album of Portraits, with these final words, so exact in their stuttering:
It is no longer known who started this long speech, people were born from it and successively erased from it, some were reborn to complete interrupted descriptions or prolong unknowns
the world is a varied forest: says the narrator. He feels his own adventure is almost over and fears the opacity of a house that has been definitively built
(this is my abandonment)
Ecce homo.
[Excerto do ensaio de Vítor Ferreira]
Photography_ Rui Dias Monteiro
Text_ Vítor Ferreira
Third Person Edition
Graphic Design_ Cátia Santos
Video and process photography_ Tiago Moura
Production_ Ana Gil, Nuno Leão
Executive Production_ Bruno Esteves
Printing_ Norprint Artes Gráficas – the home of the book
350 copies, November 2020
Funding and publishing support_ Directorate-General for the Arts / Portuguese Republic – Culture, Castelo Branco City Council
TRACK, MARGIN, CLARION | All it takes is for a bird to fly
All it takes is for a bird to fly, Rui Dias Monteiro / Vítor Ferreira
6 November 2020
Book launch
Casa Amarela - Municipal Gallery, Castelo Branco
6 November 2020
Photography Exhibition
Casa Amarela - Municipal Gallery, Castelo Branco
13 November 2020
Book presentation
STET Books & Photographs, Lisbon
21 November
Presentation of the book
Parish Hall, Vila do Conde
28 November 2020
Book presentation
Municipal Library, Vila Nova de Famalicão